Advertise Your Property

Landmarks on the Market

Advertising on Indiana Landmarks’ website and in Indiana Preservation magazine puts your vintage property in front of an ideal audience—people who love historic places.

Advertise Your Property

Showcase a Place that Matters

Have a property that stands out from the ordinary? An ad on our website or in our bimonthly magazine Indiana Preservation gets your listing in front of more people who are looking for something really special. Our numbers tell the story.


Properties For Sale Receive More Than
Monthly Pageviews
Website Receives More Than
Unique Monthly Visitors
Properties Receive More Than
Unique Monthly Inquiries

*All of these stats are averages, year to date.


7,000 reached by mail

including Indiana Landmarks members, media, libraries, and legislators. We know the reach is actually broader because issues reach entire households, newsrooms, and library readers.


Indiana Landmarks members and affiliates can take 10% off any of the previously listed prices. We offer affiliate organizations one free web real estate ad per year.

In addition to advertising our own real estate for sale and accepting paid ads, Indiana Landmarks may post free ads for historic properties in which we have a vested interest in the form of a covenant, easement, loan, or purchase option.


  • A high-resolution (at least 300 dpi at 5×7) photo of the property. Horizontal images recommended for maximum impact.*
  • No more than 50 words of descriptive copy per print ad or 200 words per web ad.
  • Ad must include the address, price, seller contact information, and one photo.*
  • Payment by check or credit card. Ads will be posted upon payment.
  • Submit copy and photos via email to

*Indiana Landmarks reserves the right to edit copy and crop photos to maintain our website and publication style standards.

Purchase Your Ad

Contact Paige Wassel,
800-450-4534 or 317-639-4534.