New ideas often need old buildings

Jane Jacobs

New ideas often need old buildings

Jane Jacobs

Imagine Indiana without the places you love.

Indiana Landmarks helps you reimagine, rescue, and revive meaningful places.

Black Heritage Preservation Program

Preserving and sustaining places that embody Indiana's Black history

Black Heritage Preservation Program

Preserving and sustaining places that embody Indiana's Black history

Sacred Places

Helping historic houses of worship
with significant repair needs

Sacred Places

Helping historic houses of worship
with significant repair needs

10 Most Endangered
Landmarks We Need to Save Now

Indiana Preservation

Great restorations, tours and special events, historic real estate—and much more!

Indiana Preservation

Great restorations, tours and special events, historic real estate—and much more!

Marsh Davis. October 2024. Photo Credit Evan Hale.
Marsh Davis’s Legacy of Preservation

Indiana Landmarks reflects on the legacy of retiring president Marsh Davis after four decades working in historic preservation.

Samara, West Lafayette
Legacy of Friendship Inspires Support for Samara

Relationship with original owners of Frank Lloyd Wright property in West Lafayette spurs help for its rehabilitation

McCormick's Tavern, Vevay
Taking on a Project When No One Else Would

Indiana Landmarks is rehabbing the early nineteenth-century McCormick’s Tavern in Vevay before placing it on the market.

Planning a wedding, meeting, conference, or performance? Check out
Indiana Landmarks Center