10 Most Endangered

Starr Historic District

Bounded by North A Street, North E Street, North 10th Street, and North 16th Street, Richmond

Starr Historic District, Richmond

Falling Starr

At one time, architecture enthusiasts considered Richmond’s Starr Historic District one of the Midwest’s best-preserved Victorian-era neighborhoods. In recent years, however, the area—a repeat entry on the 10 Most Endangered list—is better known for its ongoing decline.

Named for early residents Charles and Elizabeth Starr, the district developed in the 1860s as an elite residential neighborhood, where the city’s well-to-do built large homes reflecting their elevated status. Most of the houses have since been divided into multi-unit rental housing, much of it controlled by negligent or absentee owners. Though revitalization is on the rise in downtown Richmond, it has yet to spread to the Starr neighborhood in any substantial way, and the district’s National Register status offers no protection against neglectful property owners.

Local stakeholders, including Richmond Neighborhood Restoration, Richmond Columbian Properties, and nonprofit The Reid Center are trying to turn the tide, promoting community engagement initiatives and advocating for improved code enforcement. Indiana Landmarks added its support by investing in neighborhood properties and relocating its Eastern Regional Office to the district’s formerly endangered Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church, now operated by The Reid Center as a cultural performance venue.

Spurred by last year’s 10 Most listing, city leaders are taking steps to help the Starr neighborhood. Conversations are moving forward on designating the area as a local historic district—a status that would provide a measure of protection against demolition. It’s encouraging progress, but there is still much to do to combat blight eroding the neighborhood’s former grandeur.

For More Information

Brittany Miller
Indiana Landmarks Eastern Regional Office

Roxie Deer
Executive Director
Richmond Neighborhood Restoration

Ray Ontko
Board Member
The Reid Center

Matt Stegall
Richmond Columbian Properties

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